Embody You

Embody Bliss

 An embodiment retreat for women. Connect to your wise and wild self.




Experience the bliss that is you.

In this day retreat, we will gather to celebrate our feminine wisdom, to journey into ourselves, to cultivate our juiciness and to explore our connection to our bodies, emotions, mind and spirit.


We will learn the healing art of qigong and breast massage (clothes on), share, dance and ground using guided meditation.

Why 10am-10pm? So you may have the day for you to relax and let go fullyā¯¤ļø¸ You can participate or if you need to rest, rest and know you are still being held in sisterhood.



To register you can pay by card here or etransfer to [email protected]
Connect to your true inner knowing

Release, Relax, Rejuvenate

Be self expressed as the wild woman you are

Experience the bliss that lives within you

Celebrate your feminine wisdom

Transform anxiety through movement and sound

Feel grounded and rooted in yourself and nature

Feel empowered in your body, mind and spirit

Connect to the wisdom of your womb and heart

Be held in community and sisterhood

Dance freely and authentically


Dance, laugh and love freely as your authentic self.

Feel grounded and rooted in yourself and nature

To register you can pay by card here or etransfer to [email protected]

Connect to the beauty that is you.

  • Connect with the wisdom of your womb
  • Nourish your heart, improve qi circulation and break up stagnation with breast self massage
  • Learn Qigong practices you can do daily to feel resilience and joy
  • Ignite your passion
  • Feel empowered in your bodymind and spirit 

Nourish yourself to be the woman you know you are.


Embody You, Embody Bliss, A Retreat For Women

Are you ready to feel more alive and grounded? To live fully as your authentic self? 

This one day workshop will teach you practices to release stress and build resilience. Through qigong, guided meditation and dance you will release stress, anxiety and what no longer serves you, creating space for deep heart and womb connection. 

You’ll learn how to:

  • feel resourced in yourself and in nature
  • let emotions move through you without making them wrong
  • listen to your heart and womb
  • be true to your divine feminine power

With simple shifts you can be more grounded in all aspects of life and experience life with more ease and spaciousness every day.

 What will we be doing in this deeply nourishing embodiment retreat?

Qigong and Healing Sounds

Qigong is a moving meditation that supports body, mind and spirit to come into balance. It can be practiced by all ages. With practice, it brings harmony to mind, body and soul, as well as boosting our immune systems.  As we practice non-impact forms of movement, we connect with both the earth and our universal togetherness.



Self Massage

Moving slowly, releasing tension, listening to what feels nourishing, supportive and delightful in the moment. Connecting to your body as your body guides your hands in what feels right, listening to your own yes or no. 




Coming together to hold, heal and celebrate each other, in partners or in groups. 




Liberate bodymind and soul with dance. Moving and releasing what no longer serves you to embrace your feminine power and feel your true wild grounded nature.


This Retreat Is For You If...

You are desiring deeper connection to your feminine power and wisdom.

you are feeling scattered, spread thin and keep putting yourself to the side.

You are looking for tools to build more resilience in your life.


Aumsong Troughton,

 Master Medical Qigong, Tao Tantric Arts Sacred Feminine Facilitator

Aumsong’s passion is guiding people into their bodies, which she’s been doing for over 20 years. Through meditation, movement, dance and group connection, she brings people on a journey to be present in their body with the beauty of who they are. celebrating and loving each and every aspect of themself. She creates a sacred space to be, to feel and to express all.


Together, we explored the practice of qigong and the power of jade to clear and restore us. Aum, provided a welcoming and safe space to participate energetically in ways that felt right as individuals. Through breath, movement, dance, vocalization, sharing of food, and time she gently linked us with each other, and ourselves. 

Sylvie, Courtenay, BC 2020

When the soul opens… everything can happen and aumsong can do that. She can make it happen! Because of her spirituality, her soul and her heart. She gives herself very much to what she does. She does it with love.

 Allie, Greece, 2019

Working with Aumsong was unique, unprecedented and unforgettable. It left me with great impressions: contact with my inner world, positive action flooded through me, mental contact with the earth, sun and moon, relaxation of mind and body while at the same time feeling an explosion of energy. 

Myra, Greece, 2019

Join Now

Embody You

An Embodiment Retreat for Women

Next date TBA

Email [email protected]Ā to receive updates.



1635 Beaufort Ave.

You can pay by card below or send an etransfer to [email protected]